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Much of my research has addressed questions about how various forms of everyday violence have been recognized and justified. This set of articles examines cigarettes, automobiles, and other designed objects to better understand this question.  



Injury Fields,” Injury and Injustice: The Cultural Politics of Harm, edited by Anne Bloom, David Engel, and Michael McCann, Cambridge University Press, 2018: 154-184.


Urban Violence: Luxury in Made Space.” Mobile Technologies of the City, edited by Mimi Sheller and John Urry, Taylor and Francis, 2005: 61-76.


“‘Come up to the Kool Taste’: African American Upward Mobility and the Semiotics of Smoking Menthols.” Beyond the Frame, edited by Angela Davis and Neferti Tadiar, Pergamon Press, 2005: 77-104.


Violent Submission,” Cultural Critique 61 (Fall, 2005): 186-214.


Dangerous Instrumentality (Bystander as Subject in Automobility),” Cultural Anthropology 19:1 (February, 2004): 61-94.


Reprinted in Problemata | Histoire et etudes critiques en design, special issue on automobility, ed. Olivier Peyricot, September, 2023.


[Winner of the Cultural Horizons Award for best article published in CA, 2004].


“‘Come up to the Kool Taste’: African American Upward Mobility and the Semiotics of Smoking Menthols,” Public Culture 15:2 (Spring, 2003): 295-322.


Urban Errands: The Means of Mobility,” Journal of Consumer Culture 2:3 (November, 2002): 385-404.


Inscription Fantasies and Interface Erotics:  Keyboards, Law, Repetitive Strain Injuries,” Hastings Journal of Women and Law 9:2 (Spring, 1998): 219-253.


Prosthetic Pathology: Enabling and Disabling the Prosthesis Trope,” Science, Technology, and Human Values 24:1 (Winter, 1998): 31-54.



Lochlann Jain
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